Named by The Wall Street Journal as “The Architect of Wealth Building,” Larry has over 50 years of experience in the Direct Sales/Network Marketing Industry. He is the creator of the Millionaire Training Concepts being taught globally in most every Network Marketing motivational seminar over the past 30 years. Mentor and coach to top leaders and entrepreneurs around the world and directly responsible for training and motivation for thousands of people who have made millions of dollars over the last 50 years. Larry has worked and consulted with many of the leading companies, top distributors and organizations in the network marketing profession today, such as Herbalife International, AdvoCare, PM-International, Plexus, Monavie, JuicePlus, LifeVantage, Isagenix, NuSkin, World Ventures and numerous others. He has experience in dozens of product lines, compensation plans in all stages of development from start up, growth and longevity.
Larry Thompson is world-renowned as the mastermind of the success strategy of multi-billion-dollar companies, and the wisdom of Mr. Thompson has had an extraordinary impact on companies and individuals worldwide. His timeless philosophy and teaching has revolutionized the direct sales industry. Currently his teaching of the history of the direct marketing industry is stabilizing and providing for the foundation for the next wave of growth in the industry.
Larry Thompson says:
"I am a mentor and coach to top performers from around the world. The training concepts I developed over 40 years ago are being taught in network marketing motivational seminars and in the Wealth Building Masterminds I conduct.
"At the end of the day, even though I am affectionately called the “Mentor to the Millionaires” and the Wall Street Journal deems me the “Architect of Wealth Building”, I’m still the long-haired, hippy construction worker at heart who had a strong desire to change, the willingness to work, and the teachability to learn and grow.
"My strongest desire now is to pay back the knowledge and experience I have gleaned over 40 years of ups and downs in the direct sales industry; to pay it forward to the people who look to this industry for change in their lives."
“It takes courage to quit a job. It takes a fool to quit on yourself.”
Taylor Thompson graduated from ASU with a double degree in Business Administration and Kinesiology. Her career took a sharp turn when she became a top distributor in Network Marketing within the ranks of Herbalife International. Taylor’s vast experience in Network Marketing makes her very effective in working with single parents and stay at home moms.
Taylor has been working directly with Larry Thompson, ‘Mentor to the Millionaires’, to develop leadership strategies in the Direct Marketing Industry. Together they have worked on start up projects, product development, and marketing strategies for many companies. She has taught many distributor organizations how to implement the philosophies they have taught.
Taylor has a unique understanding of the distributor’s perspective as it relates to the market place. Her experience and instincts for the distributor have translated into developing many successful training strategies for multinational companies in the US, Europe and Asia. Taylor’s passion is for women especially moms. She started and continues to accomplish her business goals while working from home as she enjoys being a mother of three beautiful daughters.
Taylor Thompson says:
"Running a multimillion-dollar business, being a speaker, and coaching women & men, are not skills that are inherently my talent. I had to learn. I made mistakes and learned from them. One powerful and simple lesson I teach is that it’s not about the position, it’s about the mission. Sometimes the mission is hidden, takes time to grow or needs a reason.
"Who I am today comes from accepting nothing less than momcare instead of daycare. And that led me to my mission: to share my story and continue to be a walking example of what’s possible, for my girls and the thousands of women and men with whom I work.
I share my story around the world. I share it without shame. I cry and I laugh and my story comes from deep within my soul. I am especially grateful that my story shows other moms who want to be home with their children that their dream is possible. I know the joy that comes from that experience.
"I never thought it possible I could be a speaker who encourages other people to grow and prosper. Achievement takes doing the things that are uncomfortable even more than doing what comes naturally. I have stepped far outside of my comfort zone; it comes down to having a burning desire to make a difference.
"Today I work with single parents and couples who are willing to do the work necessary. I teach the importance of keeping the focus on your daily method of operation (DMO) and on being teachable. The lessons I’ve learned and how to avoid the mistakes I’ve made are keys to the success for others. I teach how to bring value to the lives of others and how to have a strong business and be successful no matter what."