Garrett McGrath has almost 30 years of experience as a top network marketing professional. Garrett has built organizations in excess of 150,000+ distributors in 21 countries worldwide, together with his wife and business partner, Sylvia, and has served as Master Distributor for four network marketing companies over the past 25+ years. He is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, leadership trainer, inspirational coach, mentor and team-builder.
Garrett has served as the President of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals (ANMP), elected in 2012. The ANMP, established in 2004, is the only non-profit professional association (501C-6) which promotes advocacy, ethics, education and professionalism for all members of the network marketing community – distributors, company owners and executives, and those who serve and support them.
Sylvia McGrath has over 25 years of marketing experience, including having served as corporate Vice President of Marketing for a network marketing company and Vice President of Sales & Marketing for a design firm with Fortune 500 clientele. A multi-talented executive with decades of experience and a servant leader's heart, Sylvia has also served within the Executive Team of the ANMP since 2013 in various roles, including Marketing Communications, Education, Events, Web Development, Admin & Operations, Convention Services and Membership Support.
Together, the McGraths are one of the most prolific and influential couples in the network marketing profession today. Garrett and Sylvia met through this profession, and have worked side-by-side since 1999 – and together provide unique mentorship, leadership training and coaching to both large organizations and individual network marketers throughout the world. This dynamic duo also hosts daily live broadcasts and events, and are the # 1 highest-ranked top field leaders within their own company. Through their company charity, they have donated, together with their team, over 10 million nutritious, life-sustaining meals to children at risk for malnutrition.
Garrett and Sylvia have produced numerous published articles, websites, videos, audios, guidebooks and training tools that help network marketers succeed, have been featured in books and magazines, and appeared as guests on numerous radio shows, events and podcasts.
The McGraths have also served on various boards related to the network marketing profession, including the Editorial Review Board for Networking Times, the premier print magazine of the profession.